
Fluoride Fluoride is a chemical that strengthens a tooth against cavities. It’s main effect is during topical use, that is why it is very effective in toothpaste and in fluoride mouthrinses and gels. In our office, we encourage the use of a fluoride toothpaste...

Regular Professional Care

We encourage regular checkups for individuals from age 2 and up. Prior to this age, we offer complimentary baby dental screenings and encourage questions from our child patients’ parents on how to best care for their teeth. The frequency of regular dental...

Root Canal Treatment

  Root Canal Treatment A root canal is basically a really deep filling – a filling that includes the roots of the tooth, not just the part you can see. Endodontic therapy (“root canal” as it is commonly called) is indicated for a variety of reasons,...

Fillings, Sealants & PRR’s

Fillings, Sealants & PRR’s Fillings The term “fillings” is commonly used to refer to restorations that are placed by the dentist to replace missing tooth structure (due to cavities, tooth fractures, abrasion, etc.). These are done in one...


Sometimes it is necessary to remove a tooth. Reasons include abscess, very large decay, fracture of the tooth, a baby tooth that won’t loosen, or even a tooth that is too out of alignment. Our dentists take the decision to advise removal of a tooth very...